Rimbey Fish & Game Association
Rimbey Fish & Game Association
Annual Hunting and Fishing Awards
Annual Hunting and Fishing Awards
Each year all members of the Rimbey Fish & Game have the opportunity to win awards for these select categories: Hunting and Fishing. Through different events we determine the winners, who are then awarded prizes at our Annual Banquet & Awards event annually in March. The annual competition runs from January 1st to December 31st each year. The deadline for receiving entries for hunting is the day of our Antler Measuring (each December) and February 15th of the following year for fish & photography. Memberships must be purchased prior to August 24th each year to be eligible for the awards.
- Hunting -
- Hunting -
Our Annual Antler Measuring is when and how we determine the award winners for each main hunting category, which are any Alberta trophy taken with Rifle, Archery, Blackpowder or by a Youth from the most recent hunting season. Members bring their trophy's to this event to be scored and from there they are then entered in for our club awards & also the Interclub Awards.
Must have purchased your membership prior to August 24th of that year.
- Fishing -
- Fishing -
Members can send in their Alberta caught fish entries any time throughout the year by emailing a completed AFGA Score Sheet along with their pictures to rimbeyfishandgame@gmail.com.
Effective January 01, 2018, all fish entries will be measured by length, as per provincial regulations, encouraging catch and release. Measurement by weight is optional.
- Photography -
- Photography -
Since 2018, we have included our Facebook page followers in the voting process for our Photography Category. We post albums of each category, with a two week deadline for voting. Followers 'like' their favorite photo in each album and once voting is closed, we tally the
photos to determine which photos win.
Entries can be submitted by email or private message our Facebook page by Feb 15th.
-Hunting Categories-
(Rifle, Archery,
Blackpowder & Youth)
-Hunting Categories-
(Rifle, Archery,
Blackpowder & Youth)
Typical Whitetail
Non-Typical Whitetail
Typical Mule Deer
Non-Typical Mule Deer
Typical Elk
Non-Typical Elk
Canada Moose
Bighorn Sheep
Pronghorn Antelope
Black Bear
Canada Goose
Snow Goose
White-Fronted Goose
Mallard Duck
Merriam's Turkey
-Fish Categories-
-Fish Categories-
Artic Grayling
Brook Trout
Brown Trout
Bull Trout
Cutthroat Trout
Lake Trout
Lake Whitefish
Northern Pike
Rainbow Trout
Rocky Mount. Whitefish
Tiger Trout
Yellow Perch
-Photography Categories-
-Photography Categories-
Trail Camera
Youth Wildlife
Youth Scenery
Photo Contest Rules:
1.The competition is open to any member of the Rimbey Fish and Game Association.
2.Only non-professional contestants can enter (a non-professional is a person that does not receive remuneration for any photos).
3.Contestants can submit more than one entry if they wish, but may not be submitted again.
4. Entry deadline is no later than February 15th.
2020, 2021, and 2022 Hunting and Fishing Awards
2020, 2021, and 2022 Hunting and Fishing Awards

2019 Award Winners
2019 Award Winners
Category Name Score
Typical Whitetail Rifle.............................Adrian Vos............................................... 164 7/8
Typical Whitetail Archery........................Eric Shippy.............................................. 123 3/8
Non Typical Whitetail Rifle.....................Tyler Pletz................................................145 2/8
Typical Whitetail Rifle Youth..................Adam Schultz...........................................140 6/8
Non Typical Whitetail Rifle Youth..........Justus Schultz.........................................113 4/8
Typical Mule Deer Rifle...........................Daniel Roy.................................................155
Non Typical Mule Deer Rifle...................Angela Shippy...........................................156 2/8
Elk Rifle....................................................Tyler Pletz..................................................212 1/8
Bighorn Sheep Rifle................................Nathan McElroy.........................................154 3/8
Black Bear Archery..................................Rory Thompson........................................20 1/16
Black Bear Youth Rifle.............................Jesse Koenig............................................16 2/16
Whitefish...................................................Carey Anderson........................................23 1/4"
Cutthroat Trout.........................................Daniel Roy.................................................12 1/4"
Northern Pike............................................Daniel Roy.................................................25 3/4"
1st Scenery..............................................Adele Armstrong
2nd Scenery.............................................Adele Armstrong
1st Wildlife...............................................Adele Armstrong
2nd Wildlife..............................................Adele Armstrong
1st Trail Camera.......................................(no entries)
2nd Trail Camera.....................................(no entries)
Youth Wildlife...........................................Jordyn Smith
Youth Scenery..........................................Jordyn Smith